Communications & Staffing

Establishing the Engagement agenda.

With a six month horizon the task for  company H was to define the overarching strategy, how it was interpreted through a marketing strategy (not…
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Marianne made a significant impact on how the University presents itself which has already contributed to increased awareness of the organisation and…
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Communications reviews

How good are you at getting the messages across to:

your customer and external stakeholders?
your staff?

One of the principle areas in which strategies fail is through poor communications.

Whether failing to clearly get the message across to external clients and stakeholders or to staff and associates, communications can make or break good strategies. A secret to achieving successful employee engagement programmes is excellent communications, it is also the route to establishing and delivering good brand propositions.

Key to ensuring that improved communications are maintained is performance monitoring, utilising feedback, communications champions and an ear to all conversations.

Oysterjam can help you to plot the activities that constitute effective communications, exploring the channels of communication that you need and use, the target audiences, the frequency, content and style required to best get your information across and to ensure that important messages are understood.

Contact us now on 07917 868263


The best communications engage

Engagement is a useful term to ensure that not only are communications are clear, frequent , consistent and purposeful but actually engage with the chosen audience(s).

With the plethora of social media conversations around us, we can often detect which communications have got through, engaged in a way we would wish and/or need us to engage to promote our business interests through monitoring.

Oysterjam can review your communications, content, media, monitoring and processes to ensure that business objectives are met.

Contact us now on 07917 868263


Staff recruitment

How do you specify and ascertain the skills/ experience and expertise  you require from staff working in , marketing, business development or sales?

What are the job descriptions,role specifications, the selection process, interviewing, inducting or coaching processes and skills required? 

Oysterjam  reviews current and future staff needs, and helps to undertake the steps to ensure that you have  the best qualified staff for your needs.

From structural planning to meet business needs to shortlisting and interviewing the right people.

Contact us now on 07917 868263